Why text message marketing?
SMS marketing has many benefits such as instant deliver ability, instant Opt-In and Opt-Out, high open rate, high conversion rate, reliability, limitless market potential and most importantly it is entirely green! The return on investment is also measurable which always isn’t the case with the other forms of advertising. Text messages have a 98% read rate, and are typically read within the first 15 minutes of being received. Anyone worried about text disappearing as a marketing tool should consider that 2008 was the first year that text messages outnumbered cell phone calls. Your competitors are using text messaging marketing… are you?
Why choose GalaxyText?
GalaxyText also gives you the best prices in Canada largely due to the fact that our platform was developed in-house (Montreal, Quebec). This separates us from our competitors since we are not resellers, and because of this you will always have the lowest rates. Apart from our competitive prices we strive on providing you with the best mobile marketing solutions which in turn will give you all the power you need to reach your customers and beat out your competition.
How can I make sure my customers aren’t going to get spammed?
Will this cost my customers anything?
Do I need to be a mobile marketing expert to use your service?
What kind of technical support do you have?
Who decides what gets sent to my customers?
Alright, this sounds great, but how much does it cost?
Did we miss a question? Maybe it’s here?
Do I need to rent your application to send out text messages?
No. GalaxyText makes it affordable for anyone to use our services. The application’s features comes with your monthly subscription.
What is a keyword?
Keywords are awesome tools that allow people to join your mobile list by texting that word to 77223. Text GALAXY to 77223. (Galaxy is the keyword)
Once I register a keyword, for how long do I own it?
Your keyword remains in your account for as long as you make the monthly payments. If you cancel your account, the keyword becomes available for anyone else.
Are there any contracts?
Nope! You pay month to month and you can cancel at anytime.
Can I start with the lower plan and then upgrade if I need more?
Yes, our application makes it very simple to upgrade or downgrade your monthly plan. It only takes a few minutes and can be done at anytime.
Do you have a referral or affiliate program?
GalaxyText will be looking to implement a referral/affiliate program in the future.
Which wireless carriers work with GalaxyText’s platform?
GalaxyText Mobile Marketing currently works on all Canadian carriers: Rogers, Bell, Fido, Telus, Virgin, SaskTel and MTS
If I have message credits left over at the end of the month, do they carry-over to the next month?
Message credits included in our plans do not carry over. Each month on your cycle-end date, the credits are reset to your plan amount.
How can I upload, or enter mobile phone #’s to one of my marketing lists?
Subscribers can only be added to your list by sending a text message to your keyword. This process is called the “opting-in“.
Do I need to install some sort of software on my desktop?
No software is required. You work right from GalaxyText’s platform.
What if I need more credits than the monthly package includes?
You are billed for any excess credits at the end of the current cycle.
How fast are messages delivered?
It might take 100,000 lights years to travel across the Milky Way, but it takes seconds to send a text message from our platform. You can say our speed is really out of this world!
Do you sell lists or numbers?
NO, and please don’t ask us where you can buy them. This practice is not condoned by GalaxyText. It’s unethical, breaks our rules & regulations and is illegal. If you’d like to know how to build a list, we can help you.
What mobile devices do you support?
We cover 99% of all mobile devices in Canada.