Mobile marketing and sustainability go hand and hand. When you use mobile marketing you are doing your part in keeping the planet green. Text message marketing is not only one of the most innovative marketing channels, it’s also entirely eco-friendly. Here at GalaxyText, we are strong believers in sustainability, and through this we ca make our place we call Earth liveable fo the future.
Another way of saving the planet is by recycling or reusing cell phones. Not only does this make sense, it saves energy, conserves natural resources and keeps reusable materials out of landfills.
Cell Phones are Among the Fastest Growing Types of Trash
North Americans gets a new cell phone every 18 to 24 months, making old phones (many that contain hazardous materials like lead, mercury, cadmium, brominated flame retardants and arsenic) the fastest growing type of manufactured garbage in the nation. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans discard 125 million phones each year, creating 65,000 tons of waste.
Cell Phone Recycling Helps the Environment
Cell phones (or any personal digital assistants) contain a variety of precious metals, copper, and plastics. Recycling or reusing cell phones not only conserves these valuable materials, it also prevents air and water pollution and reduces greenhouse gas emissions that occur during manufacturing.
How about some reasons why we should all recycle our old cell phones:
- Only about 10 percent of the cell phones used in the United States and Canada are recycled. We need to do better and here’s why:
- Recycling just one cell phone saves enough energy to power a laptop for 44 hours.
- If we recycled all of the 200 million cell phones that are tossed aside annually in the United States & Canada, we could save enough energy to power more than 24,000 homes for a year.
- For every one million cell phones recycled, we can recover 75 pounds of gold, 772 pounds of silver, 33 pounds of palladium, and 35,274 pounds of copper; cell phones also contain tin, zinc and platinum.
- Recycling one million cell phones also saves enough energy to provide electricity to 185 U.S. households for a year.
Cell phones and other electronic devices also contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and brominated flame retardants. Many of those materials can be recycled and reused; none of them should go into landfills where they can contaminate air, soil and groundwater.
Did you know?
-1 tree makes 16.67 reams of copy paper or 8333 sheets of paper
-10 business cards to a sheet of paper
-25 sheets to total a 250-card box
-3-sheets of paper to a card (card stock)
-75 sheets of paper to a 250 card box of business cards
-6 boxes of cards to a ream of paper
-100 boxes of business cards would save one tree!
Recycle or Donate Your Cell Phone
Most Americans get a new cell phone every 18 to 24 months, usually when their contract expires and they qualify for a free or low-cost upgrade to a new cell phone model.
The next time you get a new cell phone, don’t discard your old one or toss it into a drawer where it will just gather dust. Recycle your old cell phone or, if the cell phone and its accessories are still in good working order, consider donating them to a program that will either sell them to benefit a worthy charity or offer them to someone less fortunate. Some recycling programs also work with schools or community organizations to collect cell phones as fundraising ventures.
The markets for refurbished cell phones extend far beyond U.S. borders, providing modern communication technology to people in developing nations who would otherwise find it unaffordable.
How are Materials from Recycled Cell Phones Used?
Almost all of the materials used to manufacture cell phones—metals, plastics and rechargeable batteries—can be recovered and used to make new products. Metals recovered from recycled cell phones are used in many different industries such as jewelry making, electronics and automotive manufacturing. Recovered plastics are recycled into plastic components for new electronic devices and other plastic products such as garden furniture, plastic packaging and auto parts. When rechargeable cell-phone batteries can no longer be reused, they can be recycled to make other rechargeable battery products. As cell phones proliferate they are giving computers and monitors some competition for the dubious distinction as the largest contributor to the world’s growing e-waste problem. Indeed, toxin-laden electronics are clogging landfills and polluting air and groundwater supplies from coast to coast.
States and Provinces Lead the Way on Mandatory Cell Phone Recycling
Neither the United States nor Canada mandates electronics recycling of any kind at the federal level, but a few states and provinces are getting into the act at their own initiative which is great for all of us green folks. California recently passed the first cell phone recycling law in North America. Since 2006, electronics retailers doing business there must have a cell phone recycling system in place in order to legally sell their products, whether online or in-store. Other U.S. states considering similar legislation include Illinois, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Vermont and Virginia, while the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick are likely to jump on the mandatory cell phone recycling bandwagon soon.
E-Biz Cards!
Transform your business card into a text message and help save our planet! Reduce paper card and make your business cards eco-friendly!
It’s a greener alternative to traditional business cards. It allows users to have their colleagues or prospects download their business profile information to their cellphones anytime/anywhere by text message.
So how can we help you by staying sustainable? We already are! By using our text message service you are staying green. You can use our services for creating business cards using either a QR code or our text message service. It’s very simple and we have all the tools in place to make this possible for you.