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Mobile marketing Canada news

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In Canada has tons of active mobile – Internet users. Vodafone recorded in one year 50 percent growth in mobile data traffic , KPN even 60 percent. High time to think about your ‘mobile presence . The Dos and Don’ts of mobile marketing .

 1. Mobile marketing Canada news – Look

Just as years ago you had built your website , you must also mobile again some questions about why , who, what , budget and schedule.

What do you want to achieve with mobile?

More profit , less cost , a better image ?

Is it an action , so a temporary campaign , or a lasting service to your clients and contacts ?

Make yourself thereby unnecessarily difficult : with mobile start doing to get to know the possibilities of this channel is already a good reason. And the cost is no need to leave . In many cases

 2. Mobile marketing Canada news – Bid relevance

In addition to the requirements that also allows the web , mobile has a number of new dimensions : natural differences in devices ( screen sizes , speeds , operating systems) and the method of use (GPS, or qwerty keypad with numbers ) . The situation in which the user uses his device is of decisive importance : he should soon be able to do something immediately respond , immediately find your address . Relevance of the content in the context of the situation , that’s the point .

3. Mobile marketing Canada news – Start at the beginning

Please see to it that you can be reached. At that address, set a minimum the following information available : company name or brand name , address , brief company profile , phone number and directions . The latter two are correct mobile relevance : so the user can make and find . Make sure your mobile site is also listed above. On your other sites So your visitors can navigate from any point without loading time and scroll to your mobile pages quickly .

4. Mobile marketing Canada news – Make your choice What will you do with mobile?

To begin with so rudimentary a business site for mobile (to) build thereon at least your name and address details . In addition, you can supplement an existing campaign with a mobile response capability.One step further is a fully mobile campaign to reach your target audience and instantly activate . Do you want to get serious about mobile , you need to set goals and criteria to assess whether those goals are achieved over time .

Mobile marketing Canada news sms text message reseller

 5 . Mobile marketing Canada news – Mobile website or application ?

What you will do , mobile depends on your objective and the needs of your end user . Are you a publisher , you can offer your content via a mobile website . Go hand Livestreams ( video ) of the Olympics care , then an application or need . The video is on many devices are cumbersome and requires specific software.

 6. Mobile marketing Canada news – Choose a website if you provide the information

A mobile website is particularly good for information . The range of Mobile marketing Canada news  sites growing rapidly : last year by nearly 300 percent. The mobile version of the Mobile marketing Canada news processed 750,000 visits per month, accounting for seven million page views . With a Mobile marketing Canada news is a wide range in a short time as possible . If you like simple content and functionality , update your site on many types of phones . What applies to websites in general , for mobile pages even need ‘ less is more’ .

 7. Mobile marketing Canada news – Interaction often requires application

Want more than just provide information than necessary. Perhaps an application An example is the Hyves application yet to appear . This will use the address book of the user to connect to Hyves profiles a link. Such a form of interaction between a (web ) platform and a handheld device is only possible with an application , a mobile site can not content or features of the phone call .

 8. Mobile marketing Canada news –  Determine the key devices for your campaign

The introduction of new devices and the development of operating systems is very fast . Compare this with the development of a new website which should soon in any case run well in the most popular browsers on the Apple and PC. What choices you make when developing mobile services ? Develop a mobile with two or three nuclear devices as a guide . With the choice of these devices is the operating system known . Such a choice gives focus , because just like on the desktop is the perfect mobile app a utopia .

 9. Mobile marketing Canada news – Get started

Finally know what you want. How do you handle that? There are agencies that focus on creating mobile websites and application development . Depending on knowledge and expertise enable such agency . On Mobile marketing Canada news lists . In addition to a wish list , you also have a budget . A global cost indication : a rudimentary mobile site begins to add to your existing (offline ) a mobile response capability in thousand euro , campaign costs three thousand dollars more . A complete mobile campaign or service is obviously a lot more expensive , rely on amounts between 20,000 and 40,000 euros .

10. Mobile marketing Canada news – Avoid the pitfalls

It is often thought that maybe . Converting the existing website to mobile to him one regulated Nonsense ! User and technology for fixed and mobile Internet namely totally differently . And the last thing you want is a mobile site that can be viewed only with horizontal and vertical scroll bars . Also deadly : thinking ‘ if we are present , the mobile user itself . On not relevant or practical unusable mobile content is after all no one waiting.

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