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How to Find the Best SMS Marketing Solutions Canada for Your Business?
Finding the best SMS Marketing Solutions Canada for your business can be difficult. There are many options out there for the budding mobile marketer – apps, SMS marketing, mobile sites, mobile display advertising, agency, Geo-location, the list goes on! Making the right choice isn’t just about jumping on the next wireless fad, but rather carefully defining your mobile strategy as a key component of your overall marketing plan and determining the best channels to employ.
So, what do you need to consider to find the perfect SMS Marketing Solutions Canada?
1. Consider your marketing plan and how mobile fits into – will mobile be a major part of your marketing plan? Are you using it for acquisition or retention? Are you using it to drive awareness or sales?
2. Think about your target market and how they communicate – so they’re using cell phones, because, well isn’t everyone? But HOW are they using them? Does your research to find out whether they have text capable or app capable phones? Do they browse the internet from the cell phone? What is their preferred method of mobile communication?
3. Look at your business to determine whether the things you’re currently doing could be done better using mobile – are you currently using paper based coupons? Why not switch to text message coupons? They’re easier, cheaper and more convenient for customers. Are you using email mailing lists with limited success? Why not create a text message club to communicate with your customers with the device they carry with them 24/7?
4. Investigate how your competitors are using mobile -what strategies are your competitors employing? What seems to be working well? Benefit from the research, trial and error of your competitors by seeing what they’ve done and using what works.
5. Determine the best mobile mix – finding the right solution may not mean just one mobile channel, it might be a combination working together. What about an SMS club with regular SMS message alerts containing links to your mobile site? Or an app with Geo location features? The options for about SMS Marketing Solutions Canada are endless!
Looking for SMS marketing campaigns Canada? Learn More about SMS Marketing Solutions Canada.
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