Mobile Marketing is Going Bananas – Turbana QR Code Marketing

Mobile Marketing is going bananas; well, really on Turbana bananas.  The banana export company came up with a brilliant idea to tap into the mobile market. Consumers that enter supermarkets that carry Turbana bananas can now learn a thing or two about the origins of the bananas.

Turbana Mobile Marketing QR Code Banana

Turbana’s Marketing Director, Marion Tabard said ““It’s phenomenal that we are now able to show consumers how they influence the lives of the people of Colombia. By scanning the QR codes, consumers learn about the growers and how their purchases benefit the banana growing region in a wholehearted way. It’s also a great way for our retailers to engage with their customers by providing complete product transparency.

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These new QR codes are traceable after every scan. Each QR code featured on Turbana bananas is unique and allows retailers to trace back even when the fruit is out of the box, placed on display. So whoever scans the QR code will be directed to “Discover my Origin” url ( and will then be asked if they can share their location.

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This is a great way to engage with your customers by getting them to participate in a brand activity.